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Day 4: Calculator
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For this challenge, the prompt was to design a calculator. I decided to set aside a little over an hour for this challenge and design a classic cell phone calculator.  The hardest part of this challenge was the spacing - I wanted the numbers to be big and easy to find however I ran into problems with the rest of the functionality during the design process. A few things I knew I wanted to include were a backspace and a way to access previous equations. As someone who constantly hits the wrong number or forgets what the last equation was these were must-haves for this design.

Day 4
Day 3: Landing Page

For this challenge, the prompt was to design a landing page, for anything that I wanted. However, I do have to be honest this challenge had me stumped! I just could not come up with an idea. Finally, after taking a lot of inspiration breaks I landed on designing some form of News app that would appeal to Gen Z. While I can't say that I am super proud of this design I am proud of myself for completing this challenge.

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Day 3
Day 2
Day 2: Credit Card Checkout

For this challenge, the prompt was to design a credit card checkout page. I chose to design a page specifically for a fictional shoe shopping site. I ended up time-boxing about an hour to move through this UI challenge to move through the design process from low-fidelity through a high-fidelity screen.

Day 1: Sign-Up

For this challenge, the prompt was to design a sign-up page. I chose to design a page specifically for a volunteer site that would allow volunteers to sign-up to participate. I ended up time-boxing an hour to move through this UI challenge to move through the design process without getting myself stuck overthinking the sign-up layout.

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Day 1

©2022 by Chloe Fern Latham Mason.

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